
Monday, January 17, 2011

Back to School

Hey everyone. I'm headed back to school (college, don't worry, I'm not some little kiddy [not to hate on little kids or anything]) today and I can't wait! I mean, Winter break was fun and all, and it's great to see my family and friends, but college...well, how can I say it? I've spent one semester in college, and in that time, I have had more fun, made more friends, learned more interesting things, failed more classes, smoked more cigarettes, drank more coffee, broken more laws...the list goes on, but I think you get the idea.

Unfortunately, school takes a huge amount of time, even considering I ended up failing a full half of my classes (I could make excuses all day long, but it basically all boils down to "lack of interest in general education"), and now that I plan to NOT fail any of my classes, I expect even more of my time will be used up, leaving very little time to post updates on this blog. While I will try to update once a day, I can't promise any specific frequency of updates. On days where my blog remains stagnant, you can just imagine me slaving away over piles of books, taking notes, or generally being a miscreant with my various college buddies. Which actually gives me an idea:

Is anyone interested in hearing (reading) some of my college stories? I'd be happy to share the ones that stand out in my memory if there is interest. And if not, I'll just keep writing on completely random subjects that come to mind. And with that, I am off.


  1. classes for me start back up tomorrow as well. Sucks :/

  2. yea I'm interested! tell me some of your college stories! =)

    follow me too :)

  3. Sure, that sounds like good reading. How did you meet your new friends? I have trouble in that department.

  4. As long as you have something here each day I will try my best to check in every day!

    Still following and supporting buddy!

  5. yeah could be good, depends on how much drugs and chicks it involves

  6. back to class too, damn it. wish life was easier

  7. I hated college, but mine was lame. I'd be game to hear your stories, assuming there's debauchery involved. Is there debauchery involved?

  8. Please post your crazy college stories!

  9. Stories of debauchery please!! Also, the dude was a awesome! eh is a cool guy and isnt afraid of anything!

  10. i would like to hear some of these alleged stories..

  11. Good luck man :) and have fun heeh

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. back to school, to prove to (your) dad that you're not a fool. got your lunch packed up, your boots tied tight...I hope you dont get in a fight...OHHH back to school.

    jk, but seriously...check my blog out. take it easy dude. I know that you will.

  14. well, thats just like, your opinion, man

  15. I'm interested to see how you do this semester. Just don't get too caught up in school. Followed

  16. I'm interested in some of your college stories! But school is important so focus on that :)

  17. yeah, i'd be interested in hearing some cool college stories. sounds good to me.

  18. I would love to hear college stories. W/e keeps you interacting with the community. I've working on a computer science degree. Some assignments I do I may just modify for my blog. You can do something similar to that.

  19. Lemme know how it goes. following

    Wanna get the ladies? learn my shit.

  20. Good luck and focus on your goal

  21. Post em!
    I didn't think to post any of my stuff from my creative writing class last semester.

    ~Showing some support to my fellow bloggers.

  22. I'm going back too college in september, gap yarr ftw!

  23. I'm sad I never went to college :( So I'd love to hear your stories! :D Thanks for following my blog, following you!

  24. College stories are always fun. Do tell.

  25. gah i've never failed a class lol how do you even do that... xP
