
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Written out

Just wrote a 3-page in class essay, so I'm sorry that I can't really post anything of consequence. Not 'cause I don't want to, more just that my brain sort of ... is written out right now. So instead I'll just post about how dumb Jersey Shore is.

Here, have a shamelessly stolen picture:

So honestly, this show just represents to me how stupid the United States populace at large is. Seriously, this show isn't even close to anything resembling real events, and it's simply terribly written drama. On the three occasions I've watched it, my impression is that MTV is trying to influence the values of their viewers. Not that I can really dictate what other's views should be, but these are some lame-ass values being expressed in this show.

What about you guys? Jersey Shore good or bad?


  1. This show is so beyond stupid, every time I see it on TV I'm afraid my IQ is going down by a point

  2. i love jersey shore it delivers the lulz

  3. I agree with you, it's just utterly horrible. And I hate that it has a huge fan base, which is actually quite sad :(

  4. that picture is an oxymoron lol


  5. I cannot argue with you one bit! MTV sucks my ass and I think this show is crap! Nice post lol

  6. the show is funny, and i only watch it for that reason. nothing more.

    but it's also a business. as you can see, everyone is milking their 15 minutes of fame. especially mike, he's bought 2 Bentley's since the show. haha

  7. I took LSD and watched this. Then it was interesting.

  8. I don't know what show this was until Jordan said what it was. My friend says that it's for the best I don't know anything about this show.

  9. Fuck Jersey Shore. Next, they're going to Italy.

    Also, I can't believe the Situation makes 5 mil a year. That's retarded.

  10. I turned that show on for about 5 seconds, then I was like "nope." and shut it off.

    This show is a combination of everything that's messed up in this world.

  11. Jersey Shore should be banished from the face of the earth...

  12. I hate Jersey Shore.

  13. Good if you like it, bad if you don't

  14. It's my favorite show on TV. That 'Jeff' guy who explains the challenges before they start, and hands over the immunity idol is totally awesome, and seems like a nice guy.

  15. its a funny show, yall just butthurt and dont know how to party lol

    Following and supporting,
    come get player skills for the ladies

  16. never watched it, no interest in it. i guess i'm in the 1% intelligent population of america.

  17. It's bad, but morbidly watching a car accident.

  18. jersey shore.....(-.-)

  19. I had no idea who that was until after reading the other comments.

  20. I don't think that Jersey Shore aims to convert the values of the viewers, but rather show what the viewers want to see. Money, lust, and partying is what everyone loves. If there is anything that keeps the viewers coming back to Jersey Shore, that interest stems from one of these three ideas I've mentioned.
